Hypnosis or trance is a natural state of consciousnessexperienced everyday by all people and some animals. We are in a hypnotic state just before we fall asleep and when we wake up. We are also in a hypnotic state when we are daydreaming, carrying out learnt activities such as driving, swimming or smoking, with the conscious mind becomes alerted immediately when required. Meditation is also a trance state. From this relaxed, yet lucid, perspective the process of hypnotherapy facilitates communication between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. When in the relaxed hypnotic state, the unconscious mind is more receptive to the positive hypnotic suggestions, enable you to remove unhelpful beliefs and opinions; to change your mind at a subconscious level!
I have created this 5 minute introductory guided relaxation you to enjoy with your eyes open, or closed:
Hypnotherapy is suitable for most adults, and some children. Hypnotherapy is not suitable for people with psychosis or certain types of personality disorder. It is not recommended for people with certain medical issues. If you have a medical issue you may be advised to first seek advice from your doctor before engaging with hypnotherapy.
8 Minute Meditation:
Images of people under hypnosis flapping their arms …whilst clucking like hens has understandably put some people off! Like the make believe games of childhood, these participants have chosen to play along with the suggestions of the stage hypnotist. However, all hypnotherapy requires some ‘make-believe’, because it works with the creative part of our mind. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis with the client remaining in control the entire time they are in this relaxed, yet lucid, state of consciousness. We work with your powerful creative subconscious mind to make the healthy changes.
20 minute relaxation with your eyes open, or closed.
40 minute Sleep Well hypnosis:
An individual hypnotherapy session in person (55 minutes) £55
Hypnotherapy usually takes place at Chelmsford Counselling and Therapy Centre, 14 Wells Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HZ.
Hypnotherapy / Past Life Regression
“After debating whether to call Ruth, or not, I’m so glad I took the brave decision to give it a try. From my first meeting I haven’t looked back. I’m making massive personal improvements everyday and feel the benefits of the therapy continuously. Having children that have grown up I realised I had lost myself and found awful habits to fill in the time otherwise spent as a mum. I’m now excited to find myself again and start a new adventure. Thank you so much Ruth 🙏”
– Kelly
“I am writing to thank Ruth for the most wonderful and motivational session I had with her at the beginning of the year. Whilst hoping the hypnotherapy would be helpful I was unprepared for the feeling of peace that has stayed with me since the session. I have an absolute manic time since the beginning of the year and I truly believe I would not have managed or coped had I not been to see Ruth. I cannot thank you enough. I would highly recommend you, you made me feel safe and welcome.”
– Lisa
“I must admit I approached the session that I had arranged with Ruth with a good deal of trepidation and nervousness. This was partly because it felt like a step into the unknown but also concerned as to what dark secrets might be revealed.
I had read a fair amount about Past Life Regression and understood how people had found it a therapeutic and life changing experience. I did not have any such expectations, but was looking forward to gaining an increased self awareness and perhaps a better understanding of life, death and beyond.
The actual session was nothing too frightening. It felt like I had relaxed into a half sleep, but was prevented from falling to sleep properly because part of me was in a conversation. I was aware that I answered questions directly, without going through the usual rationalising process. The answers came directly from somewhere deeper.
Although I am still slightly confused as to what happened whilst in a semi conscious state, after my session I was left with a sense of reassurance and knowing. I found the experience to be both exciting and comforting at the same time. I am enthused to find out more, both personally and from a wider perspective. It has made me less anxious and stressed about work and day to day life as I seem to have an understanding that all will be well. Whatever I do or don’t reveal in future about my own life and how that fits within the universe, I feel now that it is enough to know there is so much more to life.”
“I have had therapy with Ruth. She has helped me so much with issues from my past especially my childhood. I have been on an emotional and painful journey thru my life which has affected all my relationships including the one with myself. Thanks to Ruth I have put the past behind me and have learnt to forgive myself and also to love myself. I am discovering me ! You are never to old and it is never to late to do this. Ruth is so warm, empathetic and non judgemental. She is truly professional. I highly recommend her.”
– Sally,
“I recommend Ruth as a therapist. She provided 5 sessions for my teenage son who had a big anger issue. I attended the first 2 appointments with him. Ruth facilitated this work with great care and insight. We both practised the relaxation exercises, and then M had 3 further hypnotherapy/counselling sessions. These sessions have made a huge positive difference. I have my son back. Thank you so much Ruth.”
– anonymous mum
“Ruth is an extremely warm empathic lady. I always look forward to my therapy sessions with her. I have attended five of six planned sessions to date and there is noticeable progress. I feel I am achieving my planned goal.”
– Jude
“Ruth gave me a series of wonderful and relaxing sessions that helped me to reduce stress from a busy working life. I feel that my personal and work life has regained a better balance after these sessions.”
– John
Hypnotherapy To Support Dyslexia
“Before visiting Ruth I had been hypnotised twice in order to give up smoking as the first time it had failed to work. The difference I realised was empathy, the first hypnotist had clearly never been addicted to anything in his life, the second had, and due to that invisible understanding I was able to let my guard down and be open to his suggestions. That’s why I knew it was important that I be hypnotised by a fellow dyslexic and the moment Ruth’s voice slightly faltered, when she spoke of having a hard time at school herself, I knew I had made the right choice in therapist.
Dyslexia is really just a different way of processing information, which is why I think hypnotherapy works so well for it, as it uses the language of images, feelings and intuition – a far more streamlined way of communicating for most dyslexics when trying to get rid of a feeling that words can’t… quite… put… our… finger… on, words just don’t seem, well, enough.
Because that’s it, words aren’t enough, I can tell myself I’m not thick but in the past I would feel a huge hot weight inside me whenever I was taken out of my comfort zone and asked to do something that I had been told dyslexics would find hard. When someone would find it funny that my spelling was so bad or I still can’t drive, I would fight back the internal lava of ‘ahhh they think I’m retarded’ or even worse that black iron word LAZY. I would tell myself that I was creative, right brained dominant and that it didn’t matter, but it did matter, it mattered because I still felt upset even though logically I know I had no reason to.
And it’s strange, the only way I can describe the effects after being hypnotised by Ruth, are that I no longer second-guess myself. This may seem a small thing, but to me it’s massive. I’ve taken the pause, the ‘hmmm I probably don’t know this because I’m dyslexic’ out of my train of thought, things now feel just that little less ‘gunked up’. You would be surprised how easy things become when you just stop thinking so much about whether you can do them or not.
When I was ‘under’ I remember Ruth asking me what my subconscious wanted to tell my conscious mind, the message was a slogan I have often seen, “What other people think about you is none of your business” and that has stuck. You might read that just as I had in the past, and think , “Well I know that”, but do you feel it? I hadn’t, just as I hadn’t felt that dyslexia was just a learning difference not a disability. I know both those things now.”
– Miranda
“I visited Ruth for hypnotherapy as I was experiencing an unusual phobia of swimming pool floors. I was keen to swim again and improve my health but this was a hinderance. I had never tried hypnotherapy before and a friend recommended I visit Ruth, who was kind, understanding and helped me to relax my mind and body and develop a better understanding of my fears. After three session I now walk confidently barefoot on the floor at the swimming pool. Thank you Ruth.”
– Maggie
Screening Assessment with mini-report 5+
Screening Assessment with mini-report £350. This type of assessment is carried out by a specialist teacher assessor (Level 7 with APC). The Test of Dyslexia (TOD); available for people from aged 5 years. The assessment includes tests for language, phonological awareness, processing speed, orthographic processing and reading. The appointment should take no more than an hour. This is a mini-assessment/screener includes a short report of several pages, with suggested interventions.
Ruth Gravelle
Ruth has over 20 years experience as a specialist teacher. She has also worked as a hypnotherapist since 2012, and a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner since 2013 . She is the first point of contact if you would like to discuss the services offered through www.rightmind.life and www.qhhtessex.uk
Ruth started her working life as an nursing auxiliary, and care worker. Following her degree studies, she supported adults with learning difficulties and mental health issues, further and higher education students as well as children, and adults in the workplace. Ruth founded and was a director of Dyslexia Rooms at Chelmsford (2006-2014) and has worked as a school SENDCo (KS1-2). She was Principal of Dyslexia Action’s Chelmsford Learning Centre (2014-2016) and presented CCR’s talk show, Life-Matters, with topics related to dyslexia, health and range of other issues (2016-2017). Ruth’s first book “Inside-out” (2004) aims to enable for teenagers and adults with dyslexia. Ruth also publishes educational, musical and therapeutic videos through YouTube.
Ruth is a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society (NHS), DSB checked, and belongs to the professional associations for teaching (PATOSS)
Ruth Gravelle: BA (Hons), OCR Dip SpLD, NLP practitioner, Dip Hyp CS, QHHT practitioner and Reiki master.
Online Workplace Needs Assessment
What is a Workplace Needs Assessment (WPN)?
A workplace needs assessment can be carried at the employee’s place of work or online. A short meeting is held with the employer or line manager and the workplace needs assessor, it can also include HR, before the assessor meets with the employee. It is a semi-formal interview with an experienced workplace needs assessor to look at the specific job role of an individual, and the specific difficulties that they have as a result of their dyslexia.
The WPN assessor and employee then spend about 1.5 to 2 hours going through any assessment that has been carried out previously, to identify their strengths and weaknesses and what specific areas of their job role they are finding difficult. If possible, the WPN assessor will observe the employee at work. This will be in addition to a questionnaire that the employer and employee will be asked to complete, along with a copy of the employee’s job description. This information will then contribute to a final report which will be sent to the employee and employer. There is an opportunity to discuss the report with the WPN assessor.
Strategies and reasonable adjustments will be advised that can be implemented to support a dyslexic employee in the workplace. The assessment may recommend coaching that is specific to the individual to help implement the recommendations. The assessor will also consider the working environment and the specific concerns and requirements of the organisation before making recommendations for reasonable adjustments.
Recommendations can include:
Assistive software recommendations
Strategies to support the employee within the workplace that are no cost or very low cost to the company. Very often simple adjustments and strategies are recommended that will be all that is needed to improve an employee’s performance and confidence.
1:1 coaching, including support and coping strategies. This is bespoke training based on the individual employee and the individual skills needed for their specific employment. A coaching plan will be devised based on the psychological assessment and information from the WPN assessment.
Awareness training for employers and colleagues
You do not need to have had a formal diagnosis of dyslexia, or other neurodiverse learning difference to have a Workplace Needs Assessment. The full WPN assessment will take up to 2 hours. A report is written and sent within 10 working days. The cost of a WPNA is £540.00
Workplace Needs Assessments
We provide Workplace Needs Assessments for employees experiencing dyslexic types of learning difference. Assessments are carried out by independent specialists working in association with rightmind.life. Dyslexia related issues such as difficulties with aspects of organisation, sequencing, remembering instructions, memory, reading, writing, spelling and maths can impact upon well-being and performance at work.
The assessment process takes approximately 3 hours. In preparation, employer and employee is required to complete information sheets. A detailed report including recommendations for reasonable adjustments within the workplace is then provided, usually within 10 working days.
As with and often following a formal assessment, a workplace assessment frequently signifies a significant turning point for the person experiencing dyslexia – to be able to take control over their situation. To identify and work with their strengths, perceive dyslexia in a positive way, be goal orientated, develop healthy coping skills and implement effective strategies.
Following on from the assessment, and as required, we can provide 1:1 specialist training/coaching. 5 sessions x 2 hours are often recommended.
For further information, please complete the ‘contact us’ form or email ruth@rightmind.life.