Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Ruth Gravelle experienced QHHT practitioner trained with Dolores Cannon in 2013. All enquires: ruth@rightmind.life or telephone/text Ruth Gravelle: 07919 405 501.

I am on leave 26th July-5th August, and will respond to enquiries/emails during the week staring 5th August. Thank you.  Ruth Gravelle.

The rightmind.life YouTube channel includes dyslexia and therapy related videos.

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Thank you for your interest in QHHT, a wonderful hypnosis healing therapy created by late Dolores Cannon, who I trained with in 2013. In the video below Carolyn Finch describes her empowering experience of QHHT. The term ‘quantum’ is introduced and the format of a typical QHHT session is described. Testimonials follow.  Ruth Gravelle.

The word ‘quantum’ in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), acknowledges that from a quantum physics perspective, at the most basic level, everything we are, including our consciousness, and all matter in the world, can be seen as a product of chemical and electrical energy interactions between a vast number of subatomic particles, also described as energy waves or vibrations. Perhaps this helps to make sense of how our thoughts influence matter; our thoughts both conscious and unconscious, influence matter, including our own physical matter; our body, our health and wellbeing.  

QHHT provides a fascinating experience and opportunity for personal growth, self-care and healing.  In QHHT we work with your creative mind in a deeply relaxed, yet lucid state of consciousness to facilitate you to make healthy changes to your programme.  The term programme refers to the largely unconscious learnt norms, beliefs and responses formed during the formative years of life (from before birth to approximately 7 years of age, and sometimes Karma from past-life experience). QHHT empowers you to make healthy changes to your programme by becoming more self-aware. QHHT enables you to change your programme of beliefs to match your conscious choices today. We are all creators. We are all self-healers. 

In advance of the day of your QHHT therapy, you will have receive information about the therapy process, and have been asked to prepare a list of specific questions you want answered. Typically, these will related to health, relationship and life purpose, concerns or interests. Examples of questions might be, “Why am I experiencing a particular health problem or disease, and can this be cured?” or “Why am I involved with a partner like this or that, again?” or “What is my life purpose?”  

During the first part of the QHHT session I ask you to talk about your current life and go over the list of questions you have brought. We will talk though the QHHT process, and how the therapy will unfold in more depth. I answer any questions you may have about the process. 

Next, I support you through a guided visualisation, created by Dolores Cannon, into a deep level of hypnosis which Dolores called the somnambulistic state of trance, also known as the theta state of consciousness. This is a state of consciousness that we all naturally experience at least twice a day before we wake up and again as we drift off to sleep. Here you are guided though a past-life experience. This part of the hypnotic journey can feel rather like being in a lucid dream, whilst able to simultaneously answer questions aloud and report what you experience and observe. Your higher-self, accessed through your elevated consciousness in hypnosis, is your tour guide in the regression experience.

During the final part of the QHHT session your higher-self responds to your pre-set questions; some excellent advice is self-provided. This is also where the healing takes place. My clients often find themselves able to describe the tingling energy shifts in their body as the healing work takes place. Some have the perception to ‘see’ what is happening in their body, describing the healing work in progress. 

To optimise self-healing, the pre and post therapy activities are very important to complete. These include the intention to heal, the preparation of questions in advance of the session, and listening to the audio-recording of the hypnotherapy part of your session in the days and weeks following QHHT. On the therapy day, we usually work together for around 4-5 hours, but we do not work within a time limit. This therapy day is for you and your self-healing. The one-to-one QHHT appointment in person costs £350. 

This therapy can absolutely enable you to raise your consciousness and to self-heal.  Although there are no guarantees, “Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination”  Delores Cannon.  

The video “Parkinson’s Disease to ease – QHHT hypnotherapy case study”, reports on a therapy session with a gentleman diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Parts of his initial therapy meeting, a wonderful past-life regression and the healing part of his session where we hear from his higher-self are transcribed. 

Enquiries welcomed: ruth@rightmind.life, text/phone: 07919 405 501. Please include your mobile number when sending an email enquiry.

If you’re new to QHHT and would like to learn more about the creator of this hypnosis therapy technique, and her incredible journey of discovery, please find a link to her biography and information about Dolores Cannon’s career here: (QHHT®), https://www.dolorescannon.com/about/

Please find additional information about QHHT provided by Ruth at www.qhhtessex.uk 

The testimonials below provide further description of experiencing a QHHT session I have facilitated.

 I would like to thank you for the QHHT session on Saturday. I have been listening to the recording and I have researched a couple of facts and I was amazed by the accuracy. Something in me has definitely changed and shifted. Something has been shifted and I feel that I have a deeper connection with the different tiers of me. Thank you for making me feel comfortable,  safe and at the right place at the right time. You have obviously a special gift and I am grateful I have found you. I would recommend QHHT to anyone it has been an experience I will never forget. Thank you!!!

– Bruna

“I am writing to thank Ruth for the most wonderful and motivational session I had with her at the beginning of the year. Whilst hoping the hypnotherapy would be helpful I was unprepared for the feeling of peace that has stayed with me since the session. I have an absolute manic time since the beginning of the year and I truly believe I would not have managed or coped had I not been to see Ruth. I cannot thank you enough. I would highly recommend you, you made me feel safe and welcome.”

– Lisa

“If you’ve ever wondered anything like ‘Who am I and what am I doing here?’ or ‘Is there more to life than this?’ – then QHHT is the most effective way I have yet discovered to give you answers. I feel QHHT is an important therapy in the search for an understanding of our true nature, to gain a broader understanding of our level of consciousness and how we relate to the Universe. It is an effective tool to discover anything you have always wanted to know about ‘life, the universe and everything’ and to aid in discernment of the nature of the reality we find ourselves subjected to on a daily basis.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ruth as a QHHT practitioner, her kindness, patience and awareness enhances the overall experience, which will undoubtedly increase your own level of awareness.”

– Rose

“When I arrived for therapy, Ruth was glowing with energy and a spiritual light was beaming through her eyes. I was immediately made to feel safe, warm and comfortable. I received a professional presentation on QHHT, and then during the treatment, I could feel a deeply powerful healing taking place. It was amazing.

As I described what was happening in my body, Ruth seemed to be totally in tune with me and able to sense what I was experiencing. She facilitated the questions with remarkable ability and cleared me of bodily tension, wounds from the past, karmic links and helped me with future plans and requests. I did feel tired that evening, but the next morning, I woke feeling totally refreshed, and realised that a deep cleansing had taken place. I felt lighter and ready to embrace change.”

– Moira

Hypnotherapy / Past Life Regression

“I must admit I approached the session that I had arranged with Ruth with a good deal of trepidation and nervousness. This was partly because it felt like a step into the unknown but also concerned as to what dark secrets might be revealed.

I had read a fair amount about Past Life Regression and understood how people had found it a therapeutic and life changing experience. I did not have any such expectations, but was looking forward to gaining an increased self awareness and perhaps a better understanding of life, death and beyond.

The actual session was nothing too frightening. It felt like I had relaxed into a half sleep, but was prevented from falling to sleep properly because part of me was in a conversation. I was aware that I answered questions directly, without going through the usual rationalising process. The answers came directly from somewhere deeper.

Although I am still slightly confused as to what happened whilst in a semi conscious state, after my session I was left with a sense of reassurance and knowing. I found the experience to be both exciting and comforting at the same time. I am enthused to find out more, both personally and from a wider perspective. It has made me less anxious and stressed about work and day to day life as I seem to have an understanding that all will be well. Whatever I do or don’t reveal in future about my own life and how that fits within the universe, I feel now that it is enough to know there is so much more to life.”


“I have had therapy with Ruth. She has helped me so much with issues from my past especially my childhood. I have been on an emotional and painful journey thru my life which has affected all my relationships including the one with myself. Thanks to Ruth I have put the past behind me and have learnt to forgive myself and also to love myself. I am discovering me ! You are never to old and it is never to late to do this. Ruth is so warm, empathetic and non judgemental. She is truly professional. I highly recommend her.”

– Sally, January 2018