We provide Workplace Needs Assessments for employees experiencing dyslexic types of learning difference. Assessments are carried out by independent specialists working in association with rightmind.life. Dyslexia related issues such as difficulties with aspects of organisation, sequencing, remembering instructions, memory, reading, writing, spelling and maths can impact upon well-being and performance at work.
The assessment process takes approximately 3 hours. In preparation, employer and employee is required to complete information sheets. A detailed report including recommendations for reasonable adjustments within the workplace is then provided, usually within 10 working days.
As with and often following a formal assessment, a workplace assessment frequently signifies a significant turning point for the person experiencing dyslexia – to be able to take control over their situation. To identify and work with their strengths, perceive dyslexia in a positive way, be goal orientated, develop healthy coping skills and implement effective strategies.
Following on from the assessment, and as required, we can provide 1:1 specialist training/coaching. 5 sessions x 2 hours are often recommended.
For further information, please complete the ‘contact us’ form or email ruth@rightmind.life.